Thursday, 20 March 2008

MyVieWin, this is a great Social Network program

I used lot's of social network programs, but nothing like this MyVieWin. This program has a fanstastic RSR (Revenue Sharing Rate) between $1 and $1.50.
Other programs like Yuwie(great one too) the RSR of February was $0.38.

This program is very simple. For each time you or other person open your profile, see any of your photos, read your blog, etc., you get 1 point. At the end of the month points will be exchange to money. Each 1000 points will have the RSR value.

You will earn a percentage of points of all you downline until the 10th Level. This is the example of points that you can get. This is my stats at today (20 / 03 / 2008).

Right now, the column of the value is not filled because we don't know what will be the RSR of March.
As you can see I have more then 14.000 points. My goal it to get more then 50.000 per month and then 50.000 a day.

Do you want to? Join this program here.

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey does this site really pay i never heard of a member that got paid yet