Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Success on GeoCycler

I hope that you had bought positions and hope that you are earning good money like me. After I invest $100 on this program, in less then 3 weeks I return my investment and re-invest again. I've cash out again $100... I double my investments in less then a month.

Because of this I try to find more cycler programs and I found this 2 amazing WebSites:

In this program you don't need to invest your money. Just sign in and ask in the contact form for your $11 start up. The program credit you that money and you can buy your first position. Each time 80 new sales are made after you, you get cycled. In less then a week I have, almost, my $11 payed to the admin of the site and I hope I could start earning money soon on this.

Join the program here:

Hot Cycler
This is a new program that will open on the 03 / 05 / 2008. This is a huge opportunity for you be one the first buyers of positions on this programs. This program has good news. The admin only got 1% and there is a 15% referral commission.
Hope you check this opportunity and don't give up earning money. Will be just great for all.

Join the program here:

Any doubts, chat me through the blog:

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

WeallWin - The perfect cycler and with no investments

Today a friend introduce me WeallWin. This is a Cycler program with a small twist that will make the difference.

You don't need to have to use your own money

WeallWin give you $11 to invest, buying one position from the the only line available. They don't have more lines and I think that they will not open any more lines. Why?

The cycler is fixed to 80 sales

This is a huge change to all the cyclers that I know. Every 80 sales after you, you get payed. You get payed %10 of the investment ($0.10 for each position), don't forget that you did you put your own money on this.

After join this project this afternoon, I got cycles 4 times and not I have $0.40. Yes, it's not too much, but imagine that I invest $100. Right now ... after a day doing nothing I could have $40.

Join now this program, it's free. Ask your $11 by the contact form and invest in a position. You will not loose anything and you could earn lot's of money in a few days.

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

GeoCycler - after the new lines open

This Tuesday, GeoCycler open 3 new lines for us to use. The values if the lines is: $3, $15 and $30. After 40 minutes of the open of lines I was able to make my first buy. This was not as problem with GeoCycler but I forgot my PIN on AlertPay. This was a very bad move from me.

Two of my friends have better positions then me on the lines and them request payments with values more then $100 or $200.

I invest $60, buying 20 positions of $30 and use $75 of the money that I already earn on 5 positions of $15.

Until now I got payed several time and have now $86.20. It's nice for who invested only $60... right?

Next time that lines open I will invest a little more. Don't know how much, but will be more.
This program is great and send money to AlertPay in less then a Hour.

Join now if you want to earn this money like me.

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

GeoCycler - Everyday I earn somenthing

Using this program as been amazing. Everyday something goes on my account. Here is my last stats and you can compare with the other.

I'm undestaning this Cycler thing, and it's just amazing. I invest $40 2 weeks ago and now I'm over $60 to cach out.
I will not cash out now, because next week new lines will open and I want to be one of the first members buy positions.

Here it's my stats:

You want this stats for you? Join now and I will teach you how you can do.

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

Monday, 14 April 2008

GeoCycler - my first cycler six day after

Today I got my first cycler on GeoCycler. I register on this program on the 7th of April and I got now 50 referrals and $52.70 to receive.

This is great for someone that invest $40. Check my stats:

Each position that I bought for $4 I earn $5. The re-investment was $40 again and I earn $10.
This value will be forever.

I will use this money to buy positions on the new lines that will open tomorow. Join now this program and start earning money after tomorow.

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

Sunday, 13 April 2008

MyVieWin: 200.000 points this month

This as been a great month on MyVieWin. Five days ago I announced that 100.000 points was reached. Now I'm announcing that I reached 200.000 points and I have someone in the 3º Level. It's not yet the world, but, I'm doing something good.

If this continues like this (and I hope that) and the RSR continues at the same value, this month I will earn more then $100. It's not too much, but we have all the time in the world to multiply this value to 2 times or 10 times.

This is a great program and we will earn money with this. Big money. Join now and contact me and I will teach you what I'm doing to get this values and where I'm getting all the referrals.

Click here to join.

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

Friday, 11 April 2008

GeoCycler - On the third day I get my investment

Yes, it's true. On the third day I almost get my investment on GeoCycler. As you can see on my blog post on the 7th of April saying that I invested $40 on this program, now you can check my stats as see that on the 11th day I have almost the investement to cashout.

Right now I will not cash out the money, because I'm wating for the start of new lines on the 15th of April. I will invest this money in those new lines and hope I get more.. and more.

Do you really want to earn money fast... JOIN NOW and buy positions.

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

Thursday, 10 April 2008

On the second day I reach Cashout money in GeoCycler

GeoCycle it's been an good surprise. On the second day using this program I reach the Cashout value (it's $20) and now I'm earning $28.
I will not cashout this money because on the April 15th at 9AM CST will open new lines and I want to have money to invest on those new line.

When a new line open, the first people buying positions will have a huge opportunity to view their investement cycle over and over because many people will buy positions.
I want to be there and buy my share of positions and I'm sure that YOU want to.

See my stats, check my blog posts and you can see that I'm new on GeoCycle and in 2 days I reach the cashout limit. Join and do just like me.

Here is my stats:

Join now here (

We will see each other place arround the world.

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

I reached 100.000 points on MyVieWin in my downline

This is a great day, becase I reacheded for the first time the 100.000 points on my downline.

Here is the screen shot:

This happen on the 9th of the month. I will have more 20 days to acomulate more points. If the values payed are the same from last month, this month I can archive the value of $50.
This is great for the second month on this program working serious.

Join now this program here and let's start making money.

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

GeoCycler pays in 1 hour! AMAZING

The friend that I always talking about, that invote me to use GeoCycler, yesterday had $20 to cash out (the rest was re-invested), and he cash out the money to see how long will take.

In one hour the money was in the AlertPay account.
YES. GeoCycler pays and one hour after the cashout.

This is the screenshot:

This is great.... simply great. Join GeoCycler here (

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

One day using GeoCycler!!

I still have many doubts using this program and when I get them answered I will post here. Here it's my stats after buying 10 positions od $4 each.
I was able to get 7 referrals and some of then buy positions and I earn 10% of the sales.

I've earn in the first day using this program $1.80 ... what I will earn in 3 months from now!?
Join the program now here (

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

Monday, 7 April 2008

I'm over $3.000 on BUX.TO

This weekend I finally pass the $3.000 barrier. This is great news and here his my stats. it's a great online program. Join now here.

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

I invest $40 in GeoCycler

Last week I join this program and this I decide to invest $40. I did because a friend of mine in the last weeks had invested $200 and earn more then $1,500.00. If this program is good for him, will be good for me too.

What GeoCycle provider to us is:
* Incredibly low 5% admin profit means more money for you!
* 10% referral payouts!
* Low minimum withdrawal of $20.00
* Non stop reinvests keep everything moving
* Fast cycling and less waiting for returns
* Specially configured lines that do not slow down
* 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
* Cycler Over and Over again

Let's see of this program is a good program. I will keep you all posted about this.

Click on the banner to join
Click Here For Fast Cash!!

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

My Bux card was approved

Now it's time to use to cash out my money from BUX.TO.

There are examples in the BUX.TO forum that some people is been payed in 3 hours through the card. We can use that card in any ATM arround world and pay in any store that accept MasterCard.

I'm very excited to receive my card and start cashout to there.

Join BUX.TO programa here.

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal

MyVieWin pays 3x more the other Social Network

March was an amazing month for me on MyVieWin. My referral tree get his first boost and I have a great 3 level that make me earn more then $10.
This value should not be that great, but for doing nothing this value is amazing. Now i'm on the roll to multiply this by 10x or 100x.

Here is my stats of March:

Comparing this values with another Social Network (Like Yuwie) that have lot's of sucess, we can realize that MyVieWin pays 3x time more.
Using the same values of page views (Points = Page View) and using the RSR of February of Yuwie ($0.38) we get the earning:

1º Level .............................. $0,15
2º Level............................... $0,58
3º Level............................... $2,80

TOTAL.................................. $3,53

As you can see, doing just the same as in Yuwie (or MySpace, Hi5, Facebox but this don't pay to users) you can earn 4x more.
In the last months the higer RSR on Yuwie was $0.51 and with this value the total should be $5,02.

Using this values you can realize that you can earn more and more using MyVieWin just doing the same as you do on Yuwie (or MySpace, Hi5, Facebox but this don't pay to users). The difference is, in MyVieWin you can earn 3x to 4x more. and the proof is here.

Join now the program here (

Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal